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Wednesday, 11 January 2023


(read for Jarrow, but also useful for elements of challenges essay e.g. Abdication crisis)

(read for some useful elements re challenges essay e.g. rationing)

Sample studyclix essay on Jarrow:

Jarrow (simple notes):

Jarrow Essay plan:  What were the causes and the consequences of the Jarrow March, October, 1936?

Based primarily from Sean Delap ppt above.

Intro: address question, March took place when, its purpose, due to mass structural unemployment number of causes (name some) and although remembered to this day and had good media coverage it ultimately failed to achieve its goal to meet prime minister or create significant work in Jarrow.

P1 Cause 1: hungry thirties (slide 2-3 and book)

P2 Problems with shipbuilding (competition, failure to modernise) (slides 6-8 and book)

P3 Palmers and the NSS (slides 9-10 and book)

P4 The March itself, only 1 paragraph, focus on why it was different, crusade, not hunger march, communist element, well behaved, band, dog, positive media coverage, cross party support. (slide 11 and book and second ppt above addresses this well)

P5 Little impact/success. Bad timing. Gov distracted with FP, and lots of other marches. (slides 13/14)

P6  Arrival in London, disperse, fail to meet Baldwin, gov anti marches. (slides 15/16/17)

P7 A false dawn. anti-hero John Jarvis announced jobs but few came to fruition in practice but newspaper headlines the next day suggested problem was solved. (slides 18/19)

P8 return/ reaction at home. dole cut. gov amalgamate and make it appear as if some improvement took place. (slides 16/20 and book)

P9 Impact: some minor success but proper employment only provided due to rearmament late 1930's. (slides 21/22 and book)

conclusion: redress question. Address causes and consequences. led to long term social change, welfare state (slide 22 and book)

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