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Wednesday 10 January 2024

How did successive Irish governments deal with the Social and Economic problems, 1921-1945?

 Microsoft Word - irish history essay 3.docx (


Intro: CnanG conservation, balance the budget. Focus on agriculture. Social = poor. FF radical move to protectionism and development of industry.

P1. Economic situation. Weak economy. War debts and damage. high emigration. Loss of heavy industry of Belfast. Agriculture main focus and free trade.

P2. Agriculture policy of CnanG

P3. Shannon Scheme

P4. industry under CnanG

P5. Social policy of CnanG. Poverty. Housing. Emigration. Famine in the west. Cut old age pensions.

P6. Protectionism.

P7. Economic War.

P8. FF Social policy. Housing and + unemployment assistance.

P9. WW2. The emergency. Irish shipping. Rationing. Inflation high. Rationing continues for years after the war due to shortages and costs FF election.


Boom and Bust Essay plan

 What were the strengths and weaknesses of the US economy, 1945-1989?

What were the significant developments in the US economy, 1945-1989?

To what extent did the US economy experience both success and decline during the period 1945-1989?


P1. War/ savings/ manufacturing power/ Marshall plan/baby boom

P2. Public investment Priming the pump (Employemnt Act, GI bill, Highway Act), Impact, jobs figures, interstate mobility.

P3. Public investment military, MIC see sample (pg384)

P4. Impact on Society, Pepsi Generation, consumer spending, suburbs Levistown but not everyone profit, Michael Harrington book "The Other America" 20% AMerican's living below the poverty line pg 396

P5. Growth of companies, mergers, and US advances (medicine, computers)

P6. Foreign Investment, Globalisation

P7. Decline: Deficit spending (wars, moon, tax cuts)

P8. Oil crisis's

P9. International competition

P10. Efforts to address and impact on society. 1-2 sentences on Nixon, Ford, Carter but 3-4 on Reaganomics, tax cuts and cuts to social programmes, works (raise employment and decline of inflation) but most new jobs are unskilled, low paid and the divide between rich and poor increase).
