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Monday, 25 January 2021

Coleraine Controversy

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Essay Plan: 

Coleraine Controversy essay plan 

Intro: Queen’s University on University. Catholics and Protestants mix freely. The number of Catholic students was on the rise and by the early 60’s was a quarter of all students. Magee college, small, in Derry. You could only do the first 2 years of a degree before finishing the final year at Queen’s or Trinity. As a result of the welfare state and the growing numbers attending secondary schools, esp grammar schools their was a perceived need to provide more third level places to meet demand. The Government had to choose between expanding Queen’s or Magee or establishing a completely new university in the province. The decision to found a new university was to lead to a bitter public controversy during 1965.

P1 The Lockwood Committee

In 1963 the Robbins Report on Higher Education in GB Recommended a huge expansion in the number of places in third-level education, especially in the area of science and technology. The expert authors believed that future economic prosperity depended on a better educated workforce. They also believed that clever working-class students should receive more encouragement to go on to third-level education. The same was proposed in the republic as witnessed by the highly influential report entitled Investment in Education, which was published in 1965. Against this backdrop the NI Government set up its own inquiry on third-level education. In November 1963 a committee was appointed under the Chairmanship of Sir John Lockwood, the Master of Birkbeck College in London. The 8 member committee included education experts from the north and GB. However, not a single representative from the Catholic and nationalist community in NI was included. From the outset it was clear that the location of the new university would be of great interest to the general public. There towns in particular were considered to be leading contenders: Derry, Armagh and Coleraine.

P2. Derry city council proposals (page 370 of 3rd edition)

As the second largest city in NI, with a population of 54,000, Derry appeared to be in a strong position. Even before the Lockwood Committee was appointed, the city council set out its findings.

P3 The Lockwood committee recommendations stress the controversial nature of their decision, (Coleraine best but asked to resubmit their proposal,  accommodation in nearby towns V the city of Derry, to shut Magee) (page 371 of the 3rd edition)

P4. Reaction of the people of Derry and the University for Derry campaign. controversial that decision that goes against O'Neills talk of uniting the two communities was taken and unusual co-operation between Nationalists and Unionists of Derry/Londonderry. (page 372 of the 3rd edition) (quote from B. White Document 2 to support this paragraph)

P5. Confronting O'Neill (page 372 of 3rd edition)

P6. Motorcade to Stormont Controversial element is numbers against it and co-operation between unionists and nationalists Eddie McAteer and Mayor Anderson travelled together. (page 373 of 3rd edition)

P7. Debate in Stormont. Controversial as 1. Government impose whip and 2. all other parties (list them all out) and some unionists voted against it (page 373 of third edition) 

P8. Nameless faceless men (continuing controversy  (page 373/374 of third edition) 

P9. Contrasting viewpoints nationalist and unionist (page 374 of 3rd edition) 

P10.  Missed opportunity (page 375/376 of third edition)  

Conclusion: redress question, model on samples but expand on them, recap all controversial elements.


Sample Essays:

Exam questions


Why was the choice of Coleraine as the site for Northern Ireland’s second university controversial? 


To what extent were the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry and/or the choice of Coleraine as the site of Northern Ireland’s second university divisive?


 What was the significance of the Coleraine University controversy and/or the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry?


 Why did controversy arise from the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry or the siting of a new university at Coleraine?


2. What was the Coleraine University controversy and in what ways did it contribute to tensions in Northern Ireland? 

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