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Monday, 29 January 2018

Need to Know US Essays

Europe and the wider world: Topic 6 The United States and the world, 1945-1989
1. During the period 1945-1989, what was the importance for US foreign policy of one or more of the following: Berlin; Korea; Cuba? (100)
1. What part did one or more of the following play in US foreign policy: Korea; Cuba; SALT and Star Wars?

2. Who was the greater president, Truman or Johnson? Argue your case, referring to both in your answer. (100)
4. What were the strengths and weaknesses of Lyndon Johnson as a political leader? (100)
5. How well did President Harry Truman or President Lyndon Johnson handle the challenges he faced? (100)
6. Which president was more successful in his handling of US foreign policy, Harry Truman or Lyndon Johnson? Argue your case, referring to both. (100)
7. What were the successes and failures of the presidency of Lyndon Johnson?

2. During the period 1945-1989, what was the impact on US society of McCarthyism and/or the anti-war movement? (100)

1.What were the strengths and weaknesses of the US economy, 1945-1989?
2. What were the significant developments in the US economy, 1945-1989? (100)
3. To what extent did the US economy experience both success and decline during the period 1945-1989? (100)
4. Why did the United States experience an economic boom, 1945-1968, and what was its impact on society?

3. Why did the US lose the Vietnam War and/or what was the significance of the Moon landing?

4. What was the significance of the moon landing (1969) and/or Star Wars? (100)
4. How did the Americans achieve a successful moon landing in 1969 and what was its importance for the US?

5. Why did the Montgomery bus boycott (1956) take place, how was it carried out, and to what extent was it successful? (100)
6. Why did race relations remain a major issue in the US, 1945-1989? (100)
7. 4. What was the significance of one or more of the following in US history: Hollywood, 1945- 1968; the Montgomery bus boycott; religion in modern American culture?
8. What were the main developments in race relations in the US, 1945-1968? (100)

4. What were the significant developments in US foreign policy, 1973-1989?

1. How did Mc Carthyism and/or the anti-war movement affect US foreign policy, 1945-1972?
2. In what ways did the Montgomery bus boycott, 1956, advance the cause of the civil rights movement?
2. Which had the greater impact on the United States: involvement in Korea or
 involvement in Vietnam? Argue your case, referring to both. (100)
4. What was the impact of the Moon Landing on US domestic and foreign affairs?

Can’t do
1. During the period, 1945 – 1989, what was the impact of one or more of the following on
 American society: racial conflict; urban poverty; organised crime?
3. What were the successes and failures of the political career of Ronald Reagan? (100)
3. What contribution did Betty Friedan and/or Norman Mailer make to society in the United States?
What was the American Dream and to what extent was it reflected in life in the US, 1945- 1989?
 4. What did one or more of the following contribute to American culture: Marilyn Monroe; Muhammad Ali; Billy Graham?
9. During the period 1945-1989, what advances were made by the Americans in military, space and information technology? (100)
10. 3. What was the impact on the US economy of one or more of the following: the multinational corporation; the military-industrial complex; international competition from Japan and Europe? 4. What was the contribution of religion and/or the mass media to modern American culture?
11. How did the US Presidency develop from Roosevelt to Reagan?
2. What was the contribution of Martin Luther King to US affairs?

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