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Friday, 24 March 2023

efforts to promote cultural identity (language, religion and education) north and south essay samples and plans

plans and notes:

To what extent were language, religion and education used to promote cultural identity 1920-49?

Notes on Language, religion and culture

What attempts were made to promote cultural identity, north and south, during the period,1912-1945

What was the significance of the Eucharistic Congress?



sample essays/plans

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

To what extend did the Anglo-Irish Treaty cause the Civil war?

 Intro:  the controversial Anglo-Irish Treaty led in large part to a bloody Civil War. To understand the extent to which the Treaty was responsible for the outbreak of war, we must first analyse the atmosphere at the time as well as what made the Treaty so divisive and how these and other issues resulted in the violent fallout.

P1. Not only cause. SF made up of many different groups. Dev and DLG preliminary talks demonstrated that full independence and Ireland outside of the commonwealth/empire was not acceptable, (explain conservative majority in gov) thus some sort of compromise was necessary and this wasn't acceptable to hardliners eg stack and brugha. thus it could be argued that even before the Treaty talks began, Civil War was inevitable because of the complexities of the situation and the attitudes of hardliners.

P2. controversy surrounding the Irish delegation. DeV not going. reasons. reference historians - Ronan Fanning and Tim Pat Coogan. Led to view could have got more. This exacerbated the divisiveness of the Treaty, led to split in cabinet and lack of trust, eg childers DeV's spy.

P3. The instructions and title of the delegation would also lead to increased divisions that contributed to civil war. Penitentiaries but had to report back to dublin. Details of last cabinet meeting in dublin. signing under treat of immediate and terrible war. reaction to signing from DeV, Stack and Brugha. Raised in Dail debates, been duped, could have brought back more.

P4. The terms of the treaty. views of the anti-treaty side, esp. oath, ports. few mentioned the north. unacceptable to hardliners.

P5. The Dáil debates, nasty and personal. impact of Christmas and changes of heart after talking to the people. outcome of the vote.

P6. The actions of Eamon De Valera. split of SF. Speeches, "through rivers of blood".

P7. Divisions amongst the IRA. Army convention. taking over of barracks around the country.

P8. Anti-treaty IRA take over the four courts and other buildings. Failure to address this immediately - explain and comment from book about how swift action may have led to an alternative to civil war.

P9. Efforts at compromise. DeV-Collins pact, explain reason for it. explain new constitution and why Collins broke the pact. How this led to resentment and anger, DeV didn't think people understood what the they voted for. outcome of election.

P10. After election Collins felt he had people's backing to act against anti-treaty. The immediate causes of the civil war. execution of Wilson and capture of JJ O'Connell. British threaten action if prov gov don't.

Conclusion: The blame for the violence does not lie squarely with the Anglo-Irish Treaty, though it was the primary cause. SF was a divided organisation. The actions of Eamon De Valera, the controversies surrounding the Irish delegation as well as divisions among the IRA and the attitude of hardline republicans also played a part.

Treaty Essay Plans

 To what extend was the Anglo-Irish Treaty Successful?

Intro: Accessing the successfulness of the AIT is dependent on one's perspective. Following the agreed Truce on 11th of July 1921, both sides entered into negotiations with very different views on what was an acceptable outcome. For the Irish full independence and a united Irish republic was sought while the British Ireland had to remain within the Empire. While the treaty failed to deliver either a united ireland or an independent republic what it did deliver was significantly more that the Home Rule that was sought by the majority of Irish a few short years before. This essay will examine the extent to which the treaty can be deemed successful.

P1. Success dependant on strength of the delegation. DeV reasons for not going. Who went. (see sample essay with colour.

P2. Success was hampered by the mis-match of experience (see sample essay with colour)

P3. Lack of prep and a plan by Irish. Failure to explain/understand/sell External Assoication

P4. Dominion status. The pro-treaty view (from sample essay with colour)

P5. Partition

P6. The signing and the terms of the treaty. Additional offers, Change of oath details and fiscal autonomy. Why they signed.

P7. Reaction in the Dail. Pro treaty view. success because...

P8. Reaction in the Dail. Anti treaty view. failure because...

P9. Success and failings of the Treaty seen in years that followed. Boundary commission in 1924.

Commonwealth conferences - Balfour declaration and Statues of Westminister

Conclusion: largely a success. reasons.

To what extent was the AIT controversial?

Intro: It was highly controversial. Provide background of truce and negotiations between DeV and DLGeorge. Many aspects of the negotiations and the treaty itself would prove controversial and it ultimately led to a split in SF and the IRA and contributed to the Civil War.

P1. Choice of delegation. DeV not going. reasons.

P2. Powers of the delegates. Mixed messages, title of Plenipotentiaries.

P3. location and difference of experience of both teams of negotiators. Controversy of British negotiating with murders.

P4. Sovereignty/External association. Irish delegation with little detail to plan and no plan B.

P5. Subcommittees/welsh wizard/divide and conquer 

P6. Partition. Gov of Ireland Act 1920. Griffith agrees to position within the empire in writing. acceptance of boundary commission as it would deliver, took DLG word for it.

P7. Blackmail. threat of war. signing.

P8. controversial seen as it split SF. cabinet, vote. Terms and pro-treaty arguments

P9. Anti-Treaty arguments. Treaty controversial, esp. oath to British crown, betrayal of republic and those who died for it. 6 women. other egs.

P10. vote. DeV's actions. election - contribution to civil war.

Conclusion. Very. recap main points. add some new info re future - boundary commission not delivering what was expected.

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Essay Plan: The fortunes of Sinn Fein 1905-1923/How did Sinn Fein movement develop 1912-1923?

 Intro: Set up on 1905, by 1910 in decline. incorrect association with rising led to a spike in popularity and a reorganisation to create the 2nd sinn fein party. Republican in nature which set up the First Dail and fought the war of independence. Following this achievement the party was to be divided due to the Anglo-Irish Treaty which resulted in the Civil War. Sinn Fein became the bases of the 2 major political parties in Irish politics.

P1. Association with the Rising.

P2. 2nd Sinn Fein. Ard-Fheis and reorganisation, link with volunteers

P3.  Aims: replace HR party as most popular. Convention. 

P4.Conscription Crisis, note increase in membership and support.

P5. German plot

P6. 1918 Election. why they won - organised, voting, women, labour, first past the post - results

P7. The first Dail. abstentionism. it's actions.

P8. War. Media. Negotiations. see sample essay.

P9. The treaty, aims, outcomes and the split of the party and civil war.

Conclusion: recap fortunes, small to upturn due to mistakes, rise in popularity culminating in election of 1918. success to get truce and negotiations with British gov, divisions due to treaty.