What was the contribution of the Apprentice Boys of Derry to the celebration of religious and cultural identity among that city’s unionist minority?
P1. Protestants living in Ulster developed a very distinctive cultural identity. Since Ulster Plantation most Protestants have had very strong links with Britain and the monarchy, hence Unionist party popularity.
P2. The Siege of Derry, key event and integral part of forming Unionist cultural identity. details of what happened.
P3. Commemorations/activities to mark and remember occasions of 12th and 18th.
P4. Importance to these events to unionist minority of Derry. Occasions to remember their place, make them feel secure.
P5. Never more NB them in late 1960s, explain cr threat, battle of bogside, quote besieged. no surrender mentality, refusal to cancel. growth in numbers, quote stats.
P6. Recent times change, more co-operative. details of tricentery, co-op with nationalists but still central element of their identity, political elements egs.
Why did controversy arise from the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry?
P1. The Activities of the ABOD proved very controversial esp to Nationalists in Derry. explain 70% catholics, discrimination, gerrymandering. ABPD parades served to remind nationalists of their place as second class citizens. Sectarian organisation, only Protestants would join (quote).
P2. Nature of the parades, anti catholic songs, marching around the walls, coin throwing.
P3. Controversial clashes with CRs. CR march cancelled, AB counter march on same route allowed. detail violence.
P4. clear that violence likely in AUgust 1969 and ABOD parade would be a flashpoint. Controversial refuse to cancel. Battle of the Bogside, spark of the Troubles.
P5. controversial parades in early 1970's. clearly offend catholics, ira blow up walker memorial, parades banned. move into politics, quotes from docs.
P6. following the ban of parades, efforts made to co-operate, parades commission, ABOD controversially initially refused. however co-op prevailed, tricentery and changes to route, quote from Newspaper. co-op viewed as controverial to other unionists eg orange order who refused to work with catholics.
What was the significance of the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry for both Unionists and Nationalists in Northern Ireland?
P1. The activities of the ABOD is very significant to both Unionists and Nationalists in Derry and the North generally. To Unionists they organised and participated in a key cultural events to mark and commemorate a key event in Protestant/Unionist identity, the lifting of the Siege of Derry in 1689. To Nationalists the ABOD parades were a constant reminder of the discrimination they faced from the Unionist minority of the city of Derry and their status as second class citizens.
P2. The activities of ABOD Significant to Unionist cultural identity. Key event for unionists was the success of the siege of Derry. details of siege. This event resonated with Derry unionists who felt besieged by the 70% catholic population despite the control they had through practices such as gerrymandering.
P3. The commemorations organised by the ABOD in Dec and August to mark... were very significant to Derry's protestants and indeed protestants all over Ulster and beyond. All PM's members. details of events. these commemorations allowed for UNionists of Derry to remind Catholics of their place. add quote, remind them who's boss.
P4. the ABOD activities were also of significance to catholics and served to remind them of their place as second class citizens, location of Walker monument, anti-catholic songs, march along walls over looking catholic bogside, insults, coins. certainly contributed to rise of CR movement in 1960s.
P5. THe activities of the ABOD resulted in the battle of the bogside, the spark that started the Troubles. detail background, CR movement, abod counter march, violence, quote violence at Aug event likely. quote paddy bogside re catholic events to get event cancelled. ABOD refuse. details of Battle of the bogside.
P6. Activities of ABOD continued to be significant. political - details for docs. marches limited to protestant waterside, then cancelled. ira blow up walker monument shows effect ABOD had on republicans. significant change in 1990s ABOD, unlike orange order, co-op with nationalists for tri-centery events and events after, more understanding, quote irish times article below. maiden city festival march improved relations.
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