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Monday, 14 March 2011

A Chronology of the Conflict

Required Reading

Northern Ireland: Politics & Administration, 1949–93

Political Biography of Sir Basil Brooke, 1st Viscount Brookeborough (9 June, 1888 - 18 August, 1973)

Political Biography of Terence O'Neill (10 September, 1914 - 12 June, 1990)

Exam Questions, Ireland: Topic 5 Politics and society in Northern Ireland, 1949 – 1993

Ireland: Topic 5: Politics and society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1993
Answer one of the following questions:
1.To what extent did Terence O’Neill differ from Lord Brookeborough as leader of Northern Ireland?    
2. What was the Coleraine University controversy and in what ways did it contribute to tensions in Northern Ireland?           
3. What was the importance of two of the following: the Sunningdale Agreement (1973);  the Anglo‐Irish Agreement (1985); the Downing Street Declaration (1993)?   
4. From your study of Northern Ireland, 1949‐1993, what did you learn about one or more of the following: religious affiliation and cultural identity; ecumenism; Ian Paisley?
1. During the period 1949‐1969, what was the significance of developments in education,   health and housing in Northern Ireland?      
2. Would you agree that Terence O’Neill and/or Brian Faulkner failed as a political leader?   Argue your case.  
3. How did the “Troubles” erupt in 1969 and why did they last so long?
4. How did two of the following provoke controversy: the Apprentice Boys of Derry; the   career of Bernadette Devlin; Margaret Thatcher and Northern Ireland?  
Answer one of the following questions:
1. What were the main social and economic problems facing Northern Ireland, 1949‐1969,   and how effectively were they tackled?   (100)   
2. Why did the Civil Rights movement emerge in Northern Ireland and was it successful?                (100)
3. What was the contribution of Terence O’Neill and/or Ian Paisley to the affairs of   Northern Ireland?     (100) 4. From your study of culture and religion in Northern Ireland, 1949‐1993, what did   you learn about one or more of the following: the Apprentice Boys of Derry;   ecumenism; cultural responses to the “Troubles”?  (100)
1. During the period 1949-1969, how successful was the government of Northern Ireland in responding to problems posed by the economy and/or community relations? (100)
2. Why did controversy arise from the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry or the siting of a new university at Coleraine? (100)
3. What were the strengths and weaknesses of Brian Faulkner as a political leader? (100)
4. What was the impact of one or more of the following on Northern Ireland: Bernadette Devlin; John Hume; Seamus Heaney? (100)
1. Would you agree that there was considerable social and economic change in Northern Ireland, 1949-1969, but that nothing changed politically? (100)
2. What was the contribution of Terence O’Neill and/or Ian Paisley to the affairs of Northern Ireland in the period up to 1993? (100)
3. What was the Sunningdale Agreement and why did the power-sharing executive, 1973-1974, collapse?
4.  In what ways did the “Troubles” have a social and economic impact and/or give rise to cultural responses?
1. What were the main social and economic changes that took place in Northern Ireland, 1949-1993?
2. Which was more successful, the Sunningdale Agreement (1973) or the Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985)? Argue your case, referring to both. (100)
3. How did the people of Northern Ireland express their religious affiliation and cultural identity, 1949-1993? (100)
4. What was the contribution to Northern Irish affairs of Bernadette Devlin and/or Margaret Thatcher? (100)
1. How was Northern Ireland affected by developments in one or more of the following: education; health; housing? (100)
2. What were Brian Faulkner’s strengths and weaknesses as a political leader? (100)
3. What was the impact of Republican and Loyalist terrorism on Northern Ireland? (100)
4. What was the significance for Northern Ireland of one or more of the following: religious affiliation and cultural identity; the Apprentice Boys of Derry; Seamus Heaney? (100)
1. How effective was the contribution of Terence O’Neill to the affairs of Northern Ireland?  2. What was the significance of the Coleraine University controversy and/or the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry? (100)
3. What political attempts were made to resolve the “Troubles”, 1969-1993? (100)
4. What was the impact of one or more of the following on Northern Ireland up to 1993: Bernadette Devlin; Ian Paisley; Seamus Heaney? (100)
Doc:What was the significance of the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry for both Unionists and Nationalists in Northern Ireland?
Doc:What were the difficulties associated with implementing the Sunningdale Agreement?

Answer one of the following questions:
1. Who was the more effective leader of Northern Ireland, Brookeborough or  O’Neill? Argue your case, referring to both. (100)
2. To what extent were the activities of the Apprentice Boys of Derry and/or the choice of Coleraine as the site of Northern Ireland’s second university divisive? (100)
3. What were the social and economic effects of the “Troubles”? (100)
4. What was the importance of one or more of the following: the Sunningdale  Agreement, 1973; the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1985; the Downing Street Declaration, 1993? (100)
Answer one of the following questions:
1. How successful was the government of Northern Ireland in responding to social and economic problems, 1949-1969? (100)
2. Why was the choice of Coleraine as the site for Northern Ireland’s second university controversial? (100)
3. Why did the Civil Rights movement emerge in Northern Ireland and was it successful? (100)
4. What moves were made towards finding a peaceful resolution of the “Troubles”, 1973-1993? (100)
Answer one of the following questions:
1. What impact had the introduction of the welfare state to Northern Ireland on one or more of the following:  education; health; housing? (100)                     
2. Account for the fall of Stormont and for the collapse of the power-sharing executive, 1973-1974. (100)
3. What was the importance of each of the following: the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1985; the Downing Street Declaration, 1993? (100)                    
4. What problems and opportunities did ecumenism present to society in Northern Ireland between 1965 and 1993? (100)
Answer one of the following questions:
1. During the period, 1949 – 1969, what was the impact of the welfare state on one or  more of the following:  education; health; housing? (100)
2. What was the contribution of Terence O’Neill to the affairs of Northern Ireland  during the period, 1949 – 1969? (100)
3. What was the contribution of the Apprentice Boys of Derry to the celebration of  religious and cultural identity among that city’s unionist minority? (100)
4. Why was Direct Rule (from London) introduced, 1972, and why did it last so long? (100)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Essay writing part 1

When you read a question there are three things you must do in order to ensure that you answer the question asked.
1.       Identify and underline how many parts there are to the question. For example in the question: To what extent were language, religion and education used to promote Irish cultural identity during the period, 1920-1949 (Leaving Cert 2006)
There are clearly three elements to this question. You must refer to examples of how (1) language, (2) religion and (3) education were used to promote Irish culture. While there would be no need to set out the same amount of points on each part of the question, it is essential that some references be made to the separate elements of the question. If you fail to do so, marks will be lost.

2.       Always check the dates of the question. Avoid writing long paragraphs of background information. You will only be awarded a small amount of marks out of 60 for information outside the dates given in the question. You must also ensure that you deal with the range of dates indicated in the question. For example In the question about the dates are from 1920-1949, if you only address attempts to promote cultural identity from 1930-1949 you will lose marks.

3.       Key words. Forty per cent of the marks for each essay are awarded for an overall evaluation of the treatment of the question. Students often lose marks here by failing to read the question properly. This can be avoided by identifying key words:

Why was the choice of Coleraine as the site for Northern Ireland’s second  university controversial?

The key words in this essay are “Coleraine” and “controversial”. This is not a general essay on Coleraine. You must highlight the controversial aspects of the events surrounding the decision. You must answer the question asked. A general factual essay about the narrative of events will only receive an average grade. Continuous comment and analysis on the controversial aspects of the events will result in a high grade.